Thursday, April 27, 2006

Last FM

New thing. Not sure of the longevity of this one. What with MySpace etc etc. Theres just too many community sites that I haven't got enough time to use.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bangkok Post

Looks like she's famous! Good luck to Mum in Kathmandu. Hope todays "Shoot-to-kill" protests are given a wide birth.

From the above picture I’ve also discovered that the image that has been on the BBC and internationally – is in fact Mum’s right arm.

So congratulations going out to Mum’s right arm on its international debut. :o)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Safe and Sound goes live!

My recent work at StardotStar is coming to and end. Today Safe and Sound has been presented to the NRSI. Keep an eye on the website for further details...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Go Mum! Fighting for Nepali human rights.

My mums just been arrested in Nepal. She was with first foreigners to be arrested under the contravention of curfew and illegally demonstrating

Someone had set up a group to support the rights of Nepali people to be allowed to demonstrate peacefully. It appears that particular h
uman right takes second place to the new local curfew.

All quite mad, just MSNing her now and she said "we were held for four hours, a group of 4 germans, three brits, one israeli and one russian- quite a party. No ill treatment. The police didn't have any idea what to do with us and had to design a new form to cope."

"Yeh, human rights here is a figment of someone's imagination. So we've made our stand, and as a group we all gelled, and all admitted that we had intentionally acted because of our concerns, and it was all quite civilised. I think the police were scared shitless of having a group of foreigners. They apologised that someone had insisted they do they're job, which was correct, but they would be very concerned at the adverse publicity"

Article from

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Injury Time

I've spent the weekend on my arse again. Re-tore the lateral meniscus in my knee from skiing at the end of February. Which sucks somewhat.

All good in the end though as this time I've got crutches, and a knee clinic appointment. Which is just as well as I'm getting mighty bored of hobbling.

Friday, April 07, 2006

BBC Visit and meeting with Stuart Nolan

Spent the day at the BBC with Media Training North West talking to Brian Barnes about an individual training and development plan. He works in post production, but the needs and skills involved in freelancing are similar across the board despite the specifics of the industry. All good helpful stuff!

I also met up with Stuart Nolan and went over some similarly good buisness practices, and started taking a look at Lego Serious Play as a tool to guide my development plans. Will be looking to have a serious bit of lego playing in the next few weeks!